If you feel inclined to throw some coin in my case, it will help keep this site growing.  If you have no coins to throw, then please know that you are the welcome to what I have - I only ask that you use what you learn to make the world a better place.


First of all I want to make clear that the URL for this site,, is about Guitarists (plural) i.e. YOU, and not about ME.  A "master guitarist" is someone who can play the sounds they hear inside them.  Whether those sounds are complex jazz or a simple 3 chord song really makes no difference.  If you can play what you are hearing, then it's mission accomplished.

I recieved a $5 guitar from the Army PX in Ft. Rucker, Alabama for Christmas in 1969.  I was hooked from that moment on.  I mowed lawns that summer to acquire the funds to buy a $20 Hi-Lo electric guitar and a $25 Hi-Lo amp.  I rode my bike - with my guitar slung across my shoulder - to an old Army barracks in which an old chain smoking white haired lady taught about 8 of kids how to play some chords.  BTW, if anyone happens to know the name of that chain smoking old woman, I sure would like to know.

I spent a few years learning the songs of Simon & Garfunkel, Jim Croce, John Denver, Neil Young, CSN&Y, and a few pop tunes before venturing into the world of Blues, Texas Swing, Bluegrass, and Celtic music.  I picked up mandolin, then fiddle, then Dobro, then banjo, and finally piano. I also took a few lessons with jazz guitarist Jim Wells and Wilbur Savidge (who had recorded a Chet Atkins instructional album), and I had no idea how those lessons would start me down a path that would lead me to a lifetime of serious guitar study.

After a stint with an aerospace gig, I jumped into music full time playing first in a rock band up in Lake Tahoe, then in a country band in Texas (the movie Urban Cowboy had just been released and dance halls were springing up all over Texas).  During this time I was able to get a fair amount of study in at North Texas State University where I studied Jazz Guitar under Jack Petersen and Classical Guitar under Mike Harris.  I also learned a vast amount of jazz theory from Dan Haerle and Rich Matteson.  During these years if I was awake I was either practicing, gigging, or studying music.